AA.VV. - Into The Blue (2012)

La compilation virtuale di www.musicletter.it in free download  


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PLAYLIST ("Play" per ascoltare la traccia mentre per salvarla sul tuo PC tasto destro sul link e poi "Salva link con nome..." )


1. Martin Eden - Worker  

2. Ombre - Cara Falsa 

3. Get Well Soon - You Cannot Cast Out The Demons (You Might As Well Dance)

4. Daughn Gibson - Reach Into The Fire

5. Cat Power - Ruin

6. The Black Swans - Portsmouth, Ohio 

7. Calexico - Para

8. Sera Cahoone - Naked  

9. Tu Fawning - Anchor

10. Ramona Falls - Spore

11. Matthew Dear - Headcage

12. Helado Negro - Regresa

13. Michna - Wanted Exotic



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Le altre compilation virtuali di ML:

Into The Blue (2012)

E=Love (2012)

Music is Never Enough (2012)

Filled my heart with such desire (2012)

Spread Christmas (2011)

Semi d'Autunno (2011)

La moda dell'indie (2011)

Il Cesto (2010)

(E)state come state (2010)

Songs for the Christmas Tree (2009)



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